Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Breaking The Myths: Two-Thirds of US Hispanics Go Online Monthly

Hispanics in the US are now online in overwhelming numbers, and are taking full advantage of the internet as a primary tool for finding and contributing information, researching and making purchases, being entertained, and networking with others, according to recent research from Ipsos.
While online, 79% of Hispanics research products on the internet and more than half (53%) make a purchase at least once a month.
“The idea of US Hispanics either lacking internet access, or lacking the ability to utilize the online tools often thought exclusive to the mainstream is no longer relevant,” said according to Cynthia Pelayo, senior research manager at Ipsos. “We know that millions of Hispanics are online, either at home or at work, and they are engaging in functions, often in higher numbers, than the general population.”

1 comment:

  1. Anita,

    Great info! In my blog (blog@realestatelatino.com) I share information with real estate professionals about how Latinos are actively looking real estate online. Your info just corroborate what I been telling then all along.

